The Source of Strength

Good morning! In the 18th Psalm, David worshiped and expressed his love for God in his own descriptive words. “I will love thee, O Lord, my strength” (Psalm 18:1). David loved God heartily, with his inmost bowels, and was not ashamed to express his love for God at any time. He once danced (worshiped God) in the streets before the children of Israel. David had such heart-felt love toward God because he knew God was the strength of his life. God is the strength that delivered David from Saul’s hands, from the arrows of Saul, from Saul’s wrath, and from the army of Saul. My friend, God’s strength works in favor of His children; if you are saved this morning, you are protected from your enemies with the strength of God. “Fear no evil” because God is with you. David said, “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” (v.2). WOW, what descriptive words to describe the God of our Salvation! God is our source of strength, which makes us unmovable to our enemies (Rock). God wards of our enemies’ blows and shields the fiery darts of satan( My buckler). And I love that God is our (High Tower), God will raise you above the attacks of your enemy and allow you to see the enemy from above. This morning my friend, I want to encourage you to walk in the confidence of God as your strength and express your deep-felt love for Him. Heavenly Father, thank you for taking care of your children, thank you for fighting our battles for us, and we thank you for bringing “vengeance” on our behalf, so we may focus upon your work on this earth. I want to encourage you to join with a local body of believers this Lord’s Day and worship the “Rock” of your Salvation. Be Blessed in Jesus’ Name!