Taste the Word

As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. 1 Pet 2:2-3

I pray that you have had a blessed day of worship with the saints of God on the Lord’s Day. One of the most exciting times in a parent’s life is the birth of a child. Then comes the increase of love and concern to see them grow and become healthy. Some indicators of healthy development and growth are the child’s height, weight, and appetite. Though the late night and early morning feedings may be tiring and wearisome, it delights the parent to see their child grow and develop. The scripture passage reminds us that the child of God is like “newborn babes” and we grow and develop by “the milk of the word.” The first development activity for a newborn child is to nurse on the milk of a bottle or its mother. Once the child tastes the goodness of the milk, an immediate appetite for the milk begins and they let you know when they hunger for more. The baby needs the milk to sustain it physically and the child of God needs the word of God to grow and sustain life spiritually. As the milk calms and quietens the fear of hunger within the child, so the word of God quietens and calms the spirit of the child of God with the peace of God and rest that delights the soul (Prov 29:17). Yet as the babe develops a strong appetite, so they grow stronger and healthier. And so it is with the child of God that has “tasted that the Lord is gracious” they develop and “desire the pure milk of the word,” and “may grow thereby” with strength to stand in the word and walk by faith. Dear friend, the word of God is more precious than gold and “sweeter…than honey” (Ps 19:10). His word is able to keep you in “perfect peace” in troubled times (Isa 26:3), give you calm in the greatest storms (Mk 4:39), “strengthen, and settle you” (1 Pet 5:10) with peace of God that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). So my friend, delight yourself in the Lord and develop an appetite for “the pure milk of the word” and He will give you the desires of your heart (Ps 37:4) “that you may grow thereby.” Father thank You for Your love and the delight of Your word. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.  


The Faithfulness of God

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. (Lam 3:22-23) 

Our lives are filled with busyness and with day-to-day activities. Even when we are not going and doing, it seems that our minds are still in a race. Many of our thoughts are about changing circumstances or about what the future may hold for us or our loved ones. We constantly strive and struggle to maintain some sense of consistency and dependability in our lives. We seek after things that will give us safety, security, and stability. Though our world is ever-changing, the scripture passage reminds us “the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” We can count on His unchanging, steadfast love. His steadfast love is like unto Himself. It is infinite, eternal, and everlasting. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is unchanging, and in His steadfastness, we can have peace. Throughout the book of Lamentations, we can see the steadfastness of God’s character as loving, compassionate, faithful, and merciful. His love for man never changes and “never ceases.” For the child of God, “His mercies never…end, they are new every morning.” C.H. Spurgeon writes that “His mercy is so great that it forgives great sins to great sinners after great lengths of time and then gives great favors and great privileges and raises us up to great enjoyments in the great heaven of the great God.” Nowhere greater is His steadfast love and mercy more divinely demonstrated than through His Son who laid down His life that none should perish but might be saved and have eternal life (Jn 3:16). Nothing in this world compares to the love and hope we find in Jesus Christ. Dear friend, Jesus is all we ever need. He is the faithfulness of God. Father thank You for Your love and Your endless mercy and faithfulness. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen 


Peace of Mind

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6-7) 

Our world has gone through several changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. At times we can feel overwhelmed and anxious by this new “normal.” Challenged to juggle all that life throws at us. Our need for control, consistency, and stability can get the best of us. The enemy is real, and he delight to see us struggle in weakness. He delights to see God’s children consumed by the fog of anxiety and lose sight of God’s faithfulness. The battleground for his attack is to occupy space in your mind. The scripture passage reminds us “be anxious for nothing” but submit all your worried and weakness to God who “will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” While in prison, the Apostle Paul could have been captive to anxiety, but instead he encouraged and strengthened his faith by giving thanks and singing songs of praise unto God. The enemy seeks to imprison you and render you helpless in your thoughts, rather than to live by faith in the word of God. God’s word arms us and equips us to fight the good fight of faith and have victory in the battle for our mind. The victory for the child of God is to glorify Jesus and follow the battle plan for peace. “In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” My friend, recognize the enemy’s pursuit to take hostage of your thoughts, learn to surrender and submit your anxieties to God, and replace them with God’s truth. The word of God you will free you to experience the “peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.” His word will keep you from spiraling into despair, falling into a pit of darkness, or drifting down the dry dusty road of depression. Dear friend, lift your voice unto Lord, cry out to Him, proclaim the promises of God’s word, and stir your heart in songs of praise. Soon the prison doors will open, and the chains will fall, and you will sing with great joy and gladness, “Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness. My God that is who you are!” What are you anxious about today? Take it to God in prayer, “for He cares for you” (1 Pet 5:7). Father thank You for love and the surpassing peace of God that can guard and protect our every thought. Great is Your faithfulness. Morning by morning I will look to Thee. In the blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.